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Bachelor's in Information, Communication, and Technology Education
Classes are arranged in the evenings from 17:00 to 21:00

● To enhance the student's overall understanding of ICT-based works.
● To provide students with extensive knowledge about information technology, concepts such as programming, management information systems, data management, cyber security, and so on.
● To grant the students an opportunity to deepen their theoretical as well as practical understanding of using computer systems and technology.
● To assist students in improving their analytical and assessment skills using different ICT-based resources.
● To prepare students as ICT professionals.

 Language of instruction
 English and Nepali

 Contents of study
 ● English language
● Fundamentals of Education 
● Development psychology 
● Programming C++ 
● Data structure and algorithms 
● Web technologies 
● Database management system 
● Visual programming (.NET) 
● Research methods

  Structures of study 
● Multimodal learning 
● Presentation 
● Practical projects (40%)
● Exams (60% internal and external evaluations) 
● 4 years, 8 semesters and 136 credit hours

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